Thursday, July 24, 2014

New Poem, A New Profile, and Two New Interviews

Time to catch up on news:

First, my poem "Discountry" appears in the new issue of Radar Poetry, and features accompanying artwork by Brooke Vertin and an MP3 of me reading the poem. Thanks to Dara-Lyn Shrager and Rachel Marie Patterson for publishing this poem.

Then, the LEO Weekly published a story on my Green Fuse Press, "Words that Light a Fuse."

The Adroit Journal, who recently published my poem "History of Snow," also published a two-part interview with me, thanks to Amanda Silberling at the Adroit blog. You can read Part I here and Part II here.

("Bird on Industrial" by Carol Shillibeer)

Finally, Ashlie Stevens at Louisville's WFPL interviewed me about my soon-to-be second edition of Hiking Kentucky's Red River Gorge.