Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On "Literary Louisville" in the LEO.

My first cover story for the Louisville LEO Weekly, "Write On", is on newsstands and online. If you look in the picture of the Sarabande Reading Series (that's Timothy Donnelly reading) you can see my knee.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New poem in Cut Bank

My poem "Why the inland people call some kinds of water kill" (the title actually two lines of Heather McHugh's) appears in Issue 74 of CutBank. The poem was written during my tenure at the Vermont Studio Center in July of 2010.

Monday, March 7, 2011

New poem in Silk Road

"Mariposa Lilies" is in Volume 6.1 of Silk Road, a journal of "place" poems which comes out of Pacific University in Oregon.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Rimbaud at 40" poem and film at Drunken Boat

My first published "poem film" is viewable along with the text itself at Drunken Boat #13.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New poems in LIT and an interview at Guernica

I have two new poems in the new edition of LIT alongside many fine names: gratitude to Ben Mirov and family.

I also have an interview with The Cloud Corporation author Timothy Donnelly at the Guernica blog.